Global Music International Programm
Global Music International

Unter Federführung des gemeinnützigen Vereins Global Music e.V. widmen sich die internationalen Aktivitäten der Global Music Academy seit 2010 in zahlreichen Ländern Afrikas und Südasiens dem Aufbau von Musikakademien, der Ausbildung von Musiklehrer*innen sowie dem Kapazitätsaufbau im Bereich Verwaltung und Unternehmensentwicklung. Außerdem werden ausgebildete Musiker*innen in ihrem Bestreben unterstützt, die eigenen Musikkulturen zu dokumentieren, um daraus neues Unterrichtsmaterial zu entwickeln. Diese internationale Arbeit wird u.a. gefördert aus Mitteln des EU-Erasmus plus Programms, des Goethe-Instituts, des BMZ, der Stiftung Nord-Süd-Brücken und des Auswärtigen Amtes.

Ein internationales Team arbeitet unter der Leitung von William Ramsay mit Partnerorganisationen aus elf Ländern des östlichen und südlichen Afrika sowie aus Südasien an zeitgemäßen Curricula für Musikerziehung, die in den jeweiligen (nationalen) Musiktraditionen begründet ist.

Parallel zum Global Music International-Programm wird über das internationale Netzwerk des Global Music Campus, ein Music Education- und Institutions Building-Programm für professionelle Musiker*innen und Betreiber*innen von Einrichtungen musikalischer Bildung inhaltlich erarbeitet und angeboten.



Will Ramsay


  • Global Music Campus Uganda
  • Global Music Campus Unterricht
  • Documentation Workshop Global Music Campus
  • Documentation Workshop Global Music Campus
  • Student at Global Music Campus
  • Global Music Campus Uganda
  • Konzert Global Music Campus
  • Ensemble Class Global Music International
  • Body Percussion Unterricht Global Music International
  • Melodic Reading Unterricht Global Music International
  • Lesson at Global Music Campus Uganda
  • Global Music Campus Group
The Global Music Campus

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The Global Music Campus – This film was made during the Global Music Campus in 2012 in Jabulani, Soweto in South Africa to document the work we are doing to develop a new music education system for African music. The film contains interviews and excerpts from the Campus.

Body Percussion - The 6/8 Time

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Rhythm and Body Percussion – Body Percussion – The 6/8 Time
Rhythm can easily be experienced, internalized and re-created using the body. Body percussion is a practical way to learn and maintain rhythmic security. It allows the exploration of different rhythms without the need for instruments or written music. The body is the instrument. In body percussion we stamp with our feet, drum on the body, recite rhythmic syllables, snap our fingers and sing. Body Percussion can be used for basic and advanced rhythmic training but it also helps you to experience and understand poly-rhythms. It is fun to do in a group but you can also practice alone.

Malawian Guitar Styles 2 Kongolowene

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Malawian Guitar Styles 2 Kongolowene

Melodic Reading - Playing an Arrangement

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Melodic Reading – Playing an Arrangement
An extract from the Melodic Reading program designed for the Global Music Campus. It is intended for use in Music schools in Africa.This group course is a step by step introduction to reading African melodies using all the elements musicians are likely to encounter when playing African music. It was designed for Marimbas but the exercises can also be played on Keyboards.

Drum Rhythms from the Chisamba Dance of the Chichewa People in Malawi

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Drum Rhythms from the Chisamba Dance of the Chichewa People in Malawi
The rhythms seen on this video come from the Chisamba Dance which is a very popular dance among the Chichewa people of the Central Region of Malawi. It is performed during the female initiation ritual, which is the complement of the male initiation called Gule Wamkulu. It is performed by women, led by a senior woman, usually the Chiefs sister known as Nankungwi. Chisamba dance is also performed at the funerals of Chiefs and important individuals in the village. It is also common to find the Chisamba dance being performed for entertainment at important occasions.